24 Days of Rum 2023/14: Cihuatán Indigo

Cihuatán is here quite well known, it quickly became favourite rum of many around local market. I tasted all of their available rums and even some single cask editions, but here we are on the very beginning.

This brand comes from only distillery in El Salvador, it was founded in 2004 and is empowered with local Mayan heritage. Everything is coming in the Cihuatán valley. They grow sugar cane here, they have local distillation, blending, aging and bottling. There are both column still and pot still available here, most of the core range is column still only. They have two warehouses for rum aging, most of the rum is in used ex-bourbon casks. Currently, there are some experiments going on, for example with virgin american oak casks.

Indigo is column still rum only and is the very basic rum of the brand. It was aged for 8 years in ex-bourbon cask and finally dilluted to 40 % ABV. His name is inspired by blue color, which was extracted from Indigo flower by Mayans. This color is also one of the symbols of El Salvador and Mayan goddes of rain named Tlaloc.

Nose is sweet and soft, it is very smooth and more lighter. There is mostly nougat and caramel, then some aromatic spices appear. It is pleasant.

Taste is bit juicy and sweet. It is aromatic and quite strong. Sweetly full, smooth and soft, almost creamy. It stays light and not overall complicated. There is mainly caramel and nougat, maybe some light sweet wood too.

Aftertaste is aromatic with lots of sweet caramel and some nougat with raisins. There is also some tropical wood. It is lightly sweet and quite smooth, more light.

This rum is very pleasant. It is nothing special, but its very nice to drink. It is not complicated, but there also isnt anything bad. It is light and smooth rum. As the youngest and cheapest rum of this brand, this is very good. Easily enjoyable and could be good even for beginners.